
  • General treatments (cavities, tartar removal, foul breath prevention)
  • Teeth cleaning and teeth whitening
  • Prevention, Aesthetic dentistry
  • Pediatric dentistry
  • TMJ syndrome
  • Tension - Type headache

Our clinic has several close affiliates of specialized dentistry to provide
you with the best and most appropriate treatments that fit your need.
See details here.

If you are not Japanese citizen but residing in Japan and wishes to
receive insurance treatment, please bring certificates of either
Japanase insurance or Social insurance or traveler's insurance with
dental coverage. If you do not have any insurance, you must be
responsible of paying for the treatment.

Clinic Hours

Monday to Friday

AM 10:00 ~ PM 1:00
PM 2:00 ~ PM 6:00

We will discuss about the necessary treatment days and decide the
best treatment schedule for you. We also provide the short term
concentrated treatment for the patients with busy schedule.
We are operating on appointment only bases. Please see details here.

About the Director of Clinic

Yayoi Sato

Graduated from Japan Dental University Niigata Branch in 1983.
Established the clinic in Takabashi, Koto-ku, Tokyo in 1987.
Cambridge First at Regent College in London, England in 1992.
Studied Orofacial & Occlusion at UCLA, California, USA in 1993.
Certified Pain Management at UCLA, California, USA in 1994.
Took Psychology at Jochi University after coming back to Japan.
Came back to practice dentistry at the clinic in May 1994.
With the knowledge of Patient Psychology, Social Psychology and Child
Psychology, Dr. Sato has been treating patients by first giving counseling to learn about the patients and their problems and expectation.

About the Procedure Fees

Stain cleaning
(Cleaning includes the removal of dirty membrane attached to the teeth
surface, discoloration by food, drinks and nicotine)
\3,000(not include TAX) and up per cleaning of about one hour
(The fee depends on the degree of stain)

Presently, most of all teeth treatments are covered by insurance.
The difference between the insurance treatment and pay-your-own
treatment is due to the difference in materials and the technology level.
It is our motto to take adequate time for informed consent before we
start treatment.
First, we will explain the treatment and budget. We will discuss about
the length of treatment period and the fee according to the procedure
and find the best solution for each patient.

About Emergency Clinic

Available Clinics for Weekend Emergency
With collaboration of the district Medical Association, Koto-ku provides
weekend and holiday emergency clinic service. You may use this
service for emergency during Saturday evenings, Sundays and holidays
and New Year holiday period (December 29th to January 4th).
You may receive the latest information in
Koto-ku Newsletter. (

Information about emergency medical service may have been changed.
Please obtain the latest information.

Copyright (C) 2016 SATO DENTAL CLINIC All Rights Reserved.